Sunday, August 23, 2009

old fashioned picnic/ fireworks!!!

saturday south jordan had its 150th celebration! they had an old fashioned picnic with lemonade, rootbeer, pie, icecream, cotton candy and popcorn. there were games for us to play with a live jazz band playing music. jeremy and i were in a pie eating contest. i don't think i can eat pie the same way ever again. :) you also parked in a parking lot away from the park and took a horse carriage in to the park. after we had done everything we could we packed up and left to south jordan city park to finish the night with fireworks. south jordan always does a great firework show!

jeremy and i racing...but my shoes were so slick they kept on falling out of place.

potatoe sack racing. kennedy had to have a little help but she was laughing the whole time.

eating our picnic dinners.
shawna, alan, jeremy, lindsay, rebecca, and dave

egg racing. i won but lindsay denies it, she just isn't quick enough.

village inn banana creme pie. jeremy got second place!

the after affects of the contest!

if you put in .25 cents the machine would begin playing music and the clown inside would turn a handle letting the box of popcorn drop out.
all my goodies!!!! thats homemade rootbeer in the cup

shawna and alan

cute kennedy giving a princess kiss to mommy

like father like son

before the firework show.
kimalee, jordan, leslie, derek, pam, kim's dad ( i forgot his name)
lindsay, jeremy, dave, rebecca, kennedy, bridger and me. courtney and her husband came later on.


dream quilt create said...

Looks like you had a great time with your brothers and sisters and their families. The pie eating contest.....Jeremy beat you? At the sack race, I know the girl on the left in the pink top, her name is Heather. The egg rage, Jeremy and Lindsay are holding their mouths the same way.....looks like they had to concentrate way harder than you!!!!! Wish I was there....

Nielson said...

Well, that is weird that our mouths are the same--but, at least I won!